
I am giving online courses related to Arabic type design and logo adaptations into Arabic. These online courses bring together people who are interested in Arabic type design and letterforms from different countries. So now you can study with me, from the comfort of your own apartment or office. Very excited to connect with you all! Full details below!

Fall 2020: Introduction to Arabic type design. A 4-months program starting Oct 14, 2020.

Summer 2020: Introduction to Arabic type design. A 4-months program starting May 6, 2020. Fully booked.

Winter 2020: Introduction to Arabic type design. A 3-months program starting January 14, 2020. Now concluded.

Summer 2019: Logo adaptions into Arabic. A 6-week program starting July 1, 2019. Now concluded.

Spring 2019: Introduction to Arabic type design. A 10-week program starting April 15, 2019. Now concluded.

I am also now offering free portfolio review sessions on the first Friday of the month. Details here:

Portfolio Review